Posted on October 6th, 2010 by Ron Gibson

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Though there are several advantages of using video analytics enabled CCTV but we would like to focus on  ten main points:

1)      CCTV can be made much more efficient and effective because video analytics can be setup to recognise certain people, events or situations, that can be trigger alerts.

2)      The CCTV footage can be assigned with keywords and events, so that you can recognize people, or monitor why the same person is always hanging around the same place at the same time. There might be a genuine reason , or perhaps  they are up to no good.

3)      Using video analytics will give additional security to the work place and will also save money on security guards having to patrol perimeter fences, or vast expanses of open area, such as car park or a field.

4)      Spotting a face in a crowd is made much easier if the individual has been tagged previously. This can be used to trigger an alert so that the individual is captured on the CCTV, they can be easily monitored and tracked.

5)      Perhaps you need to be able to recognize such as bags or luggage. You might be involved with the security for a railway station, an airport or a shopping mall, all of which can be potential targets for crime such as theft and security breaches.

6)      You might be involved in monitoring crowds around busy places, such as sports grounds, concert venues, shopping centres, and so might want to know when the traffic gets bad, or when a suspect leaves or enters a certain area.

7)      You might also need to be aware of incidents before they escalate and become events. If you know that potential shoplifters act in a certain way, or that a drunk outside the pub swinging a bottle is likely to turn violent, or that somebody trying all the car doors and looking one to steal, they can be alerted to this, and monitor the situation, and to stop it getting out of the hand.

8)      Using video analytics will give you the opportunity to make your CCTV footage much more detailed. You can assign names and places, and events too. Perhaps there have been several separate accurrences where somebody tried to open your office doors out of hours, or that a, or that a certain car has been seen in the area at around the same time for a few nights.

9)      Without reviewing the CCTV everyday, or having somebody to constantly monitor it, you might never know what’s actually happening when you are not around. You might have to spend all your day watching several screens in order to see what exactly going on. What are the chances that you have missed something, or could have prevented something happening in the place?

10)    If something does happen, and you need to find the footage relating to a certain time, or for a certain camera, rather than wade through hours of tape, you can go straight to the images you need, and perhaps have even more detailed information with the help of tagging. Imagine how impressive it would be to know exactly what someone has been up to, without having to wade through days or even weeks of CCTV from all your cameras.

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