Are You Smarter In Managing Your Visitors?

Posted on September 12th, 2010 by Gary Moore

Visitor management is always an issue in companies. So which method do you use to manage your visitors? In this new modern era the question is, how smart you are and which technology do you use? So here we are going to discuss all this stuff on how you manage your visitors and which other technology you can use that can make you feel smarter.

There may be different ways to manage visitors, for example many companies use punch card or manual entry in database but do you think that all this method will make you smarter in this technical era. So here I am going to discuss about new technology called biometric which is a smarter way to manage your visitors.

This technology totally depends on physiological attribute and behavioral attribute of an individual. Physiological attributes like palm, finger prints, DNA and Irish and behavioral attributes like signature, keystroke and voice. So there is a wide range of methods that you can use, either you can go for palm authentication, finger prints authentication or retina authentication .So this system uses camera to scan all these attributes for example if you are going for face authentication then it scans visitors face and store its physiological attributes as we have discussed before and same way if you are going for palm or retina authentication it scans visitors retina, palm or finger prints so next time when he tries to access system it scans the attributes and compares it with its central database and if it finds similar matches then it allows to access the system and if it does not find any matches then it gives a message for a new registration or fires alarm according to your predefined setting. So this way it can also be used as access control system and database management system for your visitors and employees.

Hence this system is totally dependent on individual’s physiological and behavioral attributes. It also enhances the security of your premises and it works automatically and conducts functions like new registration, identification of person and detection of any unauthorized entry and also generates reports like how much time particular person has been present in your premises .So biometric technology embedded with visitor management system is the smartest way to manage your visitors.

Reference Source:–/1028106#ixzz0utZYpNrR
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