Wireless Security Camera Systems for Your Home

Posted on July 25th, 2010 by Deon.b

Wireless security cameras are generally a part of any quality home security system. They provide more substantial protection than motion detectors, are less annoying than elaborate alarm systems, and provide additional benefits associated with video surveillance. The best security systems almost always employ multiple home security features, but if you’re trying to get the most for your money, a few, well-placed, wireless security cameras are a great way to get a lot from a single security feature.

How Wireless Security Camera Systems Work
Wireless Security cameras have a transmitter that sends a video signal to a receiver connected to a TV, VCR, computer, or other video equipment. One of the biggest differences between different models and costs is the range of the transmitter. Models can work from anywhere between a couple hundred feet and 10 miles or more. They can penetrate almost any kind of solid material. The video footage can be recorded and/or watched with live. To protect your home, your security camera system will probably require multiple cameras. Entry points into your home and property are standard, but sensitive areas such as pools, gardens, and playscapes are also common places for video surveillance.

Advantages of Wireless Security Cameras
The big advantage of wireless security cameras is they can be placed essentially anywhere you want and need them. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Not only does the wireless design forgo the need to drill a trench in your yard or add electrical wiring in your home, the versatility of installation increases your options for hidden security camera systems. While visible security cameras can act as a warning to burglars, if a burglar can see the camera he can probably also avoid and/or disable it. The one notable drawback to wireless security cameras is that their batteries must be recharged/replaced every 4 to 8 hours. More expensive models may have designs that accommodate more powerful batteries.

Other Uses for Security Camera Systems
Security camera systems provide home security from more than just burglars and other home intruders. Security cameras can enable you to monitor your children as they play near the pool, in a tree house, or other playscapes. You can monitor your pets as well to ensure they don’t escape from the yard, trample your garden, harass your neighbors, or get harassed from other animals. You’ll always know what’s happening in your home, even when you’re not right there to see it with your own eyes. Remote monitoring systems, which cost quite a bit more, can even let you know what’s going on from halfway around the world.

Reference Source: http://www.servicemagic.com/article.show.Wireless-Security-Camera-Systems-for-Your-Home.14831.html#ixzz0rghzMvww


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