Surveillance Cameras – Here, There, and Everywhere !

Posted on September 28th, 2010 by Gary Moore

Expect surveillance cameras  in upscale places and in sleazy neighborhoods where there’s a lot of human traffic; you either love them or hate them.

Sneaky Surveillance Cameras: Love Them?

They are everywhere. So if you think you’re safe inside an elevator forget it. There are surveillance cameras in those innocent-looking lifts.  No smooching and making faces or dancing to Beyonce’s rocking in your MP3 while on your way to the 18th floor. Somebody is rolling all over the floor watching wacko you. Well, you never know so be on guard and behave wherever you are and save those antics for later when you are with friends. But if you’re trapped in an elevator, these cameras can spot you instantly.

Surveillance cameras are both a bane and a boon. These are supposed to deter crimes and yet they invade everybody’s privacy. The boss wants to snoop, storekeepers want to check on you, and airport security has their radar on you. You can’t get away with anything if you’re caught on these nosy cameras. Yet for all their unpleasant purposes, these cameras can save your day and your life.

The next time you step out of the door, be on guard. Those cameras are everywhere ready to take you on. Instead of looking over your shoulder or peering into the top of streetlights, stay cool and get used to the idea you’re on camera. That entails remembering Emily Post’s Ps and Qs.

Public and Private Transport

Surveillance cameras are flooding public and private transport systems. Buses, trains, planes, taxis, boats and ferries are loaded with these cameras. These may be mounted on obvious places or hidden from the public eye. So be on your best behavior.

Parking Lots

Surveillance goes to parking lots. The presence of cameras in these areas can deter car-napping and kidnapping and the more cameras around, the better. Those trying to take off in the car after snitching some stuff from the convenience have hell to pay later because these cameras can get their car’s plate numbers!

MacDonald’s Drive-Ins

Everything you say and do when you make an order at the drive-in is recorded. If a MacDonald staff has reason to complain about you, they are armed with the digital recording fed by their surveillance cameras. The MacDonald people may gleefully post the video on YouTube, what a crying shame!


So you thought you’d get away with those nuisance cameras at the park. Not so fast. These cameras are there for keep an eye on vandals. Unless you have reason to fear those cameras, get away from parks!

Church and Schools

In places of worship and on the hallowed halls of academe, the tireless eyes of hidden or mounted cameras keep on recording the slightest motion; hence, the best of your behavior should be on show.

Hotels, Bars, and Restaurants

Do not take the bait when these establishments assure you there are no hidden cameras in the john or in the powder room. These places need these cameras to deter vandalism or catch vandals.

Next time you go gallivanting, be on red alert. You are on surveillance cameras here, there, and everywhere!

You’ve seen those surveillance cameras. These would make good home surveillance anytime, so if you’re on the lookout for quality but affordable home security cameras, visit Video-Surveillance-Guide.

Reference Source:—Here,-There,-and-Everywhere!&id=1907850


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