Guide To Buying Access Control Systems

Posted on July 25th, 2010 by Deon.b

Access control systems are simply security systems with more sophisticated and suitable locking. These are often needed in cases where you own a facility that contains or deals with sensitive information. One example could be a research facility. Although these can be used for many types of entries and the security system itself could have different levels (such as specific employees are required to enter through specific doors), if you want to install an access controlling system, it is likely not as complex as it could be.


Before buying one, you need to understand exactly what you will be using it for. These systems vary over wide ranges (both in terms of technological complexity and costs) and hence it is a good idea to decide and plan ahead. If you own say a retail store where you want to restrict the inventory only to some of your employees, you should probably settle for a less expensive electronic keypad type security.

If you are installing one for a laboratory where researches are likely to be going on some very confidential subjects of international and sensitive nature, it is best to choose a biometric security (example: retinal scan). Broad categories of access controls are doors, gates and parking amenities.

Other classifications include keypad (security code), card reader (magnetic data on card & smartcard), and biometric systems (handprints, fingerprints, retina & iris scan). An alarm may or may not be added to the security.

The systems also differ in terms of power (whether or not the door will be locked in case of power-failures) and in-house (the system will be controlled by your own computer) or ASP options (the system will be controlled by the computer of the service providers & you can intervene anytime through the internet).


Choosing the best option is not the final task. There is always the payment part. Cost of access control systems tend to go up with not only the number of restricted points but also the level of complexity (which is why you should not overbuy). A complete keyboard system costs $1500-$2500 with installation, including the hardware and software.

In case you want to use entry cards, costs for cards have to be included externally. The iris scanning techniques naturally cost much more. A complete biometric access system can cost you $10000 easily. The pricing increases as you add more sophisticated options.

Probably the most important point one should remember while choosing access control systems is do not overbuy. The second most important stuff on the list should be to buy from an organization that does not sell the perfect system for you after five minutes of discussion.

Choose a reputed seller who is known for good quality. Dont trade quality for cost. Also ask as many questions as you need. Remember the trick is not to buy the best, but the best access control according to your need.

By: Francois J Muscat
Reference Source:


79 Responses to “Guide To Buying Access Control Systems”

  1. Lyle Says:



  2. richard Says:


    thank you!…

  3. lloyd Says:


    tnx for info….

  4. Paul Says:



  5. louis Says:



  6. Franklin Says:



  7. Manuel Says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

  8. charlie Says:


    thanks for information!!…

  9. Bradley Says:



  10. eduardo Says:



  11. edwin Says:



  12. oscar Says:



  13. theodore Says:



  14. Guy Says:


    thanks for information!…

  15. Albert Says:


    tnx for info….

  16. jimmie Says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó!…

  17. alfredo Says:



  18. Daryl Says:


    good info….

  19. Ken Says:



  20. cecil Says:



  21. Ernest Says:



  22. Hubert Says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

  23. Cameron Says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

  24. steve Says:



  25. William Says:



  26. Juan Says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

  27. douglas Says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó!…

  28. Wayne Says:



  29. Jessie Says:


    thank you….

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