Posted on September 8th, 2010 by Gary Moore

An 87-year-old man from Florida can testify that home security systems actually work and catch criminals. He has his monitoring system and police to thank for his safety and rescue from three burglars.

The elderly man had been a victim of burglars twice already, and he decided it was time to have some home security. Working with his local Brevard County police, he had surveillance cameras installed. The Brevard County police monitored the video surveillance, and the 87-year-old did not mind at all. Instead, it gave him a sense of security to know someone was watching.

Early on August 30, the surveillance cameras paid off. When detectives entered their office, they saw three burglars on the live feed from the elderly man’s home. The burglars were walking around the home, and police immediately drove to the man’s aid. When the police arrived, the three burglars were attempting to force the 87-year-old man into his car. They planned on driving the man to his bank and forcing him to completely empty his bank account. They would then steal his money.

The burglars were never able to implement their plan because police arrived before they could back out of the driveway. Police arrested Christopher Comella, Anthony Millar and Matthew Zachas and charged them with kidnapping and home invasion. Thanks to the man’s 24/7 surveillance cameras, he was saved from a kidnapping and robbery.

Many people don’t fully understand how complex a security system‘s components are. In order for a system to be effective, all of these components have to be properly installed. The most common components of a security system are as follows:

Control Panel

The control panel of a security system could essentially be called the “brain” of the system. The control panel receives and analyzes signals from all of the devices in your home, converting these signals into “alerts” if it detects a security breach.

Control Panel Keypad

Most home security systems also have a keypad, which is usually located on the control panel. Through the keypad, a user has complete control over the system status, alarms, monitoring and other features. The keypad is also usually where the system is armed or disarmed, except if a user has a remote arming device.

Remote Arming

Some security systems have a feature that allows them to be armed or disarmed from a location outside of the home. This is usually in the form of a small remote, which is able to send a signal to the control panel to arm or disarm the system. This remote is useful for people who wish to have control of their security system while still outside of their home.

Burglar Alarm

A burglar alarm is included in many home security systems. The alarm is usually triggered when the control panel detects an emergency through activation of any of the security devices currently monitoring a home. Many alarms are rated by “Decibel Level”, which is basically the level of sound emitted by the alarm.

Motion Detectors

Motion detectors are usually a fairly standard component in many home security systems. A motion detector is able to detect movement in a designated area, usually by using infrared signals to analyze heat sources. The type of infrared used in motion detectors is called “Passive Infrared” Detection, also called PIR. When it detects a sudden change in the average heat of an area (sometimes to a specific degree) it alerts the security system control panel.

Surveillance Cameras

Surveillance cameras are another important part of many home security systems. Some surveillance cameras are motion-activated, while others are designed to simply broadcast images. There are also cameras that are able to operate in low-light conditions, often by using infrared signals.




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